Bible Class Registration
AM Class
Our worship is meant to be a beautiful expression of our dependence on God, and our desire to please Him. The goal of this class is to give an account of the biblical history and practices of worship, to inform New Testament Christians on how to best please God through their worship.
Jordan Moore
KJ Moore
The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like . . .
Jesus communicated in a way that anyone with an honest heart could easily understand Him. By using parables, Jesus was able to share divine truths that could immediately connect with His listeners. Jesus taught many parables that started with the phrase, “The kingdom of heaven is like…” We call these kingdom parables. These short but insightful parables give us greater understanding of not only the kingdom and our place within the body of Christ, but also the evangelistic need to share the gospel with the world around us.
Kent Bruno
Tommy Hood
Jeremy Ross
Justin Speer
2 Samuel
Second Samuel begins by narrating David’s rise and reign as king of Israel, illustrating the Lord’s generosity and kindness to those who are faithful to Him. This book also shows the sorrow and tragedy that accompany violations of the Lord’s commandments. Lessons within 2 Samuel are rich in the need to remain faithful, as failure to do so will dramatically alter the course of our lives.
Larry Boyd
Randy Jones
La Carta a los Romanos
Romanos es un bosquejo del cristianismo básico para todos los tiempos. Nos ayuda a entender que no podemos ser justificados por la ley de Moisés y a la vez la carta enfatiza la necesidad que tenemos de la misericordia y la gracia de Dios. En las clases vamos a explorar temas como la fe, justificación, la adopción y la santificación que nos ayudaran a entender lo bendecidos que somos al estar en Cristo.
Daniel Mata
I Am Teaching This Quarter
Wednesday Class
Standing on the Promises
Scripture calls the promises of God "exceedingly great and precious”, and it also tells us that in Christ, all of God's promises are "Yes". This class will explore those promises as we build our faith and enhance our relationship to God.
Ray Whitman
Tim Brown
1st & 2nd Timothy
In these two letters, Paul writes to a young preacher named Timothy to encourage him in his ministry. Timothy is instructed remind the church in both doctrinal and practical matters. The lessons learned by Timothy are needed for us today as we serve the Lord in various aspects of service.
Eric Winckler
John Baker
La Carte a los Efesios
La carta a los Efesios merece ser estudiado cuidadosamente por la iglesia hoy día. Nos encontramos en medio de una crisis de identidad, especialmente, en lo que respecta a la comprensión de la naturaleza de la iglesia y la singularidad de nuestro llamado en Cristo. Efesios nos recuerda que la iglesia está conformada por un pueblo redimido. La iglesia es la nueva humanidad de Dios. Efesios afirma la gloria de esta verdad.
Daniel Mata