Katy church of Christ

Our Activities

We have strong educational programs for all ages. The congregation is blessed with many well-qualified Bible teachers. The strong educational programs should help us to develop into a substantial force for the Lord in this community. Bible classes for all ages are arranged and taught on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

For Our Toddlers and Young Children

During the school year, we have special Sunday evening programs for children. Two year old children may attend a special “Toddler Hour”, and three year old children through kindergarden age may attend “Bible Hour”. These special programs for children are designed to teach God’s word and to prepare the children to attend regular services.

Bible Enrichment (Grades 3-5)

Annual Bible-enrichment activities for third through fifth graders provide a fun way to learn more about God’s word in special six-week, Sunday afternoon sessions focused on a different theme each year. Some recent themes include “Bible Travelers”, “Bible Boot Camp” and “Bible Olympics”.

Teen Program (Grades 6-12)

Our entire program and all activities for our young people center around knowing God better through His word and growing to be more like Him. While our program begins with Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible classes, that is just the beginning.

  • We have weekend retreats in the fall and summer.
  • We have regular devotionals on Sunday evenings, as well as a weekly Tuesday evening Bible study for our high school.
  • We have special fun day activities in addition to occasional lock-ins.
  • We have service activities for our teens, and special events to involve our teens in the lives of our older members.

Summer Youth Activities

Our summer is busy, and while nobody is expected to do everything, there is certainly lots to get involved with.

  • Our summer starts with a week at Camp Bandina, a Christian youth camp in central Texas filled with Bible study, worship, fun activities, and lots of friends.
  • Next we have our own VBS where the teens are actively involved in VBS skits, puppets, and helping with the younger children.
  • We attend Horizons, a week full of Bible classes, service projects, and fun activities at Freed-Hardeman University.
  • We attend Jabberwacky, a Monday-evening event where we get together with other congregations in the area for a period of worship, study, food, and fellowship.
  • We have our Tuesday night Bible study, which all makes for a very busy and spiritually uplifting summer.

Lads to Leaders

We are heavily involved in the Lads to Leaders program. This gives our teens and younger kids (down to third grade) an opportunity to develop their skills and talents to the glory of God. Our young people can develop themselves in delivering lessons, leading singing, reading scripture, preparing bulletin boards, designing PowerPoint lessons, making church advertisements, Bible-centered art, and Bible Bowl. An emphasis is placed on participating in Bible Bowl, as a knowledge of God through His word is very important to our youth program and development.


Pathfinders is a group made up of Christians who want to grow and develop in their ability to teach others about Christ. It is a collection of teams comprised of two people who work together to identify new opportunities to study the Bible with people in the Katy community. It is designed to do two things: Grow our efforts to teach Christ right here at home and support one another each step of the way.

Family Circles

The congregation is divided into several “Family Circle” groups. Each Lord’s day, the family circles take turns hosting pot-luck dinners after the morning worship service. Visitors are invited to attend these meals (free-of-charge, of course) so we can have an opportunity to get to know each other.


An active group of senior members participate in special activities on a monthly basis. The 50+ group is a vital part of the Katy church, and the group continues to grow numerically.

Young Families

A growing group of folks we call “young families” continues to be a blessing to the congregation. The monthly calendar usually includes several special activities for this group.


We have a staffed nursery each Sunday morning and evening for children under two years of age.