The elders have initiated an elder selection process to add additional men to the eldership. It has been five years since the last selection process and our efforts to shepherd the flock and grow the evangelistic and benevolent outreach of this congregation continue to expand.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider men to serve in this shepherding role. We encourage you to speak to any man whom you consider qualified to determine his ability, desire and willingness to serve.
You have until September 5th to submit names. As the Lord wills, the elders plan to complete the selection process and announce the names of the selected nominees on October 24. After a period of review and prayer the additional elders will be appointed on November 14.
Nomination forms are on the table in the foyer and are attached to this email to download and print.
Please complete, sign and return your form to any of the existing elders by the 5th of September. Be aware that September 5th is part of the Labor Day weekend.
We would prefer to receive one form from each individual member.
May God bless this congregation with men who love the Lord and will serve as faithful stewards.
The Elders